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Making greater impact with a future gift

Photo courtesy Pierre Zakarauskas

MSF legacy donor testimonial

Raabya Rashad Major gift coordinator MSF Canada

Pierre Zakarauskas has been a monthly Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) donor for nearly two decades. His passion for giving was ignited by his deep concern for growing global humanitarian needs and his desire to help make a change.

“What inspired me to choose MSF as my charity is its secular, neutral nature,” says Pierre. “MSF’s unique advantage lies in its independent funding, which allows it to respond to crises faster than most other nongovernmental organizations.”

[It’s] the opportunity to make a bit more of an impact than i can when I’m living.

“MSF is present where people’s needs are greatest,” he says. “It gives great attention to places facing crises that are often forgotten yet have increasingly high humanitarian needs, including Democratic Republic of Congo. As a donor, knowing this motivates me to support MSF even more generously.”

In addition to being a monthly donor, Pierre has included MSF in his will, to leave behind a legacy and create a greater impact.

“Although I give monthly and what I have not spent at the end of the year, I understand the greatest contribution I can make is through legacy giving, especially since I don’t have children.”

“This is way more than I can do in my lifetime. It gives me the opportunity to make a bit more of an impact than I can when I’m living,” he says.

Like Pierre, you can be part of an international movement of people who believe everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, now and in the future.

If you are interested in leaving a gift in your will, please reach out to Camille Mauran by phone at 1-800-982-7903, ext 3475 or by email at camille.mauran@toronto.msf.org.